P.O Box 80430,

0977845890 - 0978106970


As an institution we have an open door policy which allows Christian faith based students to worship at any church of their choice. Students can congregate at the institution premises or indeed at the main churches which surround the institution. in addition to that, the institute is a member of a students faith based organization known as ZAFES.

What is ZAFES?

Zambia Fellowship of Evangelical Students (ZAFES) is a movement of Christian Students in the Universities and Colleges in Zambia. ZAFES is the mother body that links and networks all affiliated and associated Christian Fellowships (CFs) in Institutions of higher learning. Today, ZAFES works in 76 institutions of higher learning across Zambia. It is an indigenous interdenominational evangelical student movement called to the mission field to fulfill the great commission of “making disciples” on the campuses.