P.O Box 80430,

0977845890 - 0978106970


The Institute in its quest to incubate its own graduates at the same time keep the production unit up and running has established a company called Kabwe Institute of Technology Business Services (KITBS). The company has a wide range of products and services which it provides. Some of the services provided by our company includes;

  1. Incubation
  2. Consultancy
  3. Electrical Installation
  4. Building of Structures
  5. Roofing
  6. Plumbing works
  7. Farming
  8. Maize shelling 
  9. Labor (related to all courses provided)
  10. Motor vehicle repair and maintenance
  11. All carpentry related works
  12. Hire of Premises for weddings and other events

Below are some of the products produced by our company

  1. Manufacturing of Desks
  2. Manufacturing of banker beds wooden & Steel
  3. Manufacturing of tables
  4. Manufacturing of lab stools
  5. Manufacturing of window flams and door flames e.t.c

Agricultural products incudes;

  1. Broiler chickens
  2. Bananas
  3. Plants 
  4. Vegetables