P.O Box 80430,

0977845890 - 0978106970


Kabwe Institute of Technology, a Government Institution under the Ministry of Higher Education operating under the umbrella of TEVET ACT No. 13 of 1998, continues to provide various pre-service and in-service programs to support the commercial and industrial sectors in the country as well as in the Southern and Eastern African regions. Our goal is to ensure we provide market responsive technological training in order to produce qualified graduates who will fulfill industry demands and develop their own ideas to become successful Entrepreneurs who will propel the economy of Our country Zambia to greater heights.

Study With US


Mechanical Engineering is one of the department which spearheads the development of innovation and technological advancement in Mechanical related engineering courses. We have courses such as; 1. Heavy Equipment Repair 2. Automotive Mechanics 3. Agriculture Mechanics 4. Metal Fabrication 5. General Agriculture

Food Production

Enroll with us to learn about Food Production. Food production is the process of preparing food by converting raw materials into ready-made food products either in the home or in the food industries.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the technology of electricity. Electrical engineers work on a wide range of components, devices and systems, from tiny microchips to huge power station generators.

Computer Studies

Computer studies is the study of computers and computing as well as their theoretical and practical applications. It is one of the ever growing field of study in the world



Kabwe Institute of Technology "Empowering the Nation with skills for life"